Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A 'Black-headed Oriole' enjoying a ripe mango fruit.

The 'Black-headed oriole' - 'Kaha kurulla' - 'maambalak kuruvi' - enjoys a ripe mango when it sees one. I took this picture from the window of my neighbour Piyal Romawardena's house.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Long-billed sunbird, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

A frequent visitor to my garden at Avissawella. They are difficult to photograph because they flit from flower to flower very fast.

Friday, May 28, 2010

'Brown-headed Barbet enjoying a Jambu fruit.

One of the many species of small birds which come to enjoy the 'Jambu' fruit in our garden in Avissawella.