Monday, May 12, 2014

Sites at Katharagama S, Kathirkaamam T, Sri Lanka.

Sharing a meal.

The pop-corn vendor with infant in arms.

The 'Menik Ganga/ Manikka kangai'.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sights at Katharagama S, Kathirkaamam T, Sri Lanka.

Click below to see a video of the snapshots taken at Katharagama:-

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Sights on the road from Sithulpawwa to Katharagama, Sri Lanka.

A pea-cocks head.

The winding dusty road.

The distant mountains.

A wild-boar eating a bun thrown by passers by.
Watch a video of the snapshots by clicking on the link below:-

Friday, May 9, 2014

Sights of Sithulpawwa, Sri Lanka.

Another 'Chaithya' on an adjoining hill.

Road to Katharagama from Sithulpawwa.

A wild boar by the roadside.

Facing the traffic.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sights, Sithulpawwa, Sri Lanka.

Pillars made out of granite from ancient days.

Ducks at the monastery.

A view of the Chaithy from below.

Bougainvilla in bloom at the parking area.