Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Scenes of Point-Pedro, Sri Lanka.

Fishing boats at Sakkottai - on the road to Point-Pedro.
A trawler at anchor, outskirts of Point-Pedro.
Main gate, Hartley College, Point-Pedro.
A brand new Hostel for Hartley College, courtesy alumnus Mr. Kirupaharan, my old hostel-mate now a citizen of Germany.
In the 1950s I was attending Hartley College from its hostel. This was situated about 300 meters away on the road to Aaththiady. It was a two-storeyed building adjoining the college play-ground. Came the unrest and the building was ruined. Kirupaharan was a resident in the hostel with me. We were in the college choir and have many a story to share. Kirupaharan moved to Germany and became a respected citizen there. He visited Hartley in the latter part of 2000 (the post-war era). He put up a brand new three storeyed hostel, all at his own expense replacing the old damaged building. It stands tall and proud today.

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