Monday, January 4, 2021

Traffiic on the Ruwanwella to Thalawakelle highway.

Transport of timber

Transport of fruits

Transport of wood carvings

Railway level crossing, approaching Thalawakelle


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Young days. Photos from Pinterest,

Small girl- Big Dog

Children taking a 'Selfie'

Supreme self-confidence

Enjoying candy floss


Something to laugh about

'Curiosity' at a tender age

Bounced Baby

Street fight

Sharing a  joke


Friday, January 1, 2021

New year 2021, Best wishes.


Please click on the web-link below:-


Our best wishes to You  all.

May the New Year 2021 bring you Happiness and Joy.


From  Philip and Ramya



Thursday, December 31, 2020

Ideas for home decoration, Pinterest,

Easy chair, ceramic water filters

Four  poster canopy bed

Bird cage with plants

Dressing mirror

Space for relaxing

Carved side board

Basket  ware

Near the veranda

Space for leisure

Reading room decor


Tuesday, December 29, 2020