Tissa and Dutugamini sons of Kavan Tissa 2nd Century BC fought two battles at 'Yudaganaava', near Butthala, Sri Lanka, on the plains of Uva. Tissa won the first battle, Gamini losing nearly 30,000 soldiers.
Tissa was defeated in the second battle at Yudaganaawa on a contest of single-man combat and was pursued by Gamini.
‘Tissa took shelter among the monks, whilst
Gemunu kept up the pursuit and watched at the Vihare entrance. The monks having
seen Gemunu pursuing Tissa, when the latter took shelter among them, those who
were sitting stood up and those who were standing sat down. When Gemunu asked
them “My Lords where is Tissa who has just come here?” they answered, “We have
not seen him either sitting or standing”. The monks bore out Tissa as if they
carried a dead monk swathed in yellow robes, and Gemunu having perceived it
said, “There goes Tissa, a powerless body on the shoulders of monks:” and
taking with him the elephant Kadol and his mother repaired to the city of
Magama.” – A translation from the Sri Lankan historical narrative 'RAJAVALIYA' - 'The line of Kings'.