Sunday, October 11, 2015

Road accidents, Sri Lanka.

A CTB bus after  an accident on the road to Kurunegala.

 Memorial at the scene of an earlier tragedy where a bus tried to cross a partially protected railway crossing and was mowed down by a fast train at Alawwa.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

An Indian Robin and a baby Iguana, Home garden, Avissawqella, Sri Lanka.

I spotted this Indian Robin repeatedly pecking the baby Iguana on the head to chase it away, with little success. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

On the road to Kegalle from Karawanelle, Sri Lanka.

On the approaches to the new Warawala bridge.

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Pneumatic toys for sale by the road-side.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Kadugannawa, Sri Lanka.

Tower built by the British  at Kadugannawa to remember Dawson who supervised the building of the roadway to the then inaccessible capital, Kandy.

Bridge for  pedestrians over the  rail-road at the  Railway station, Kadugannawa.