Monday, November 4, 2013

'Katina pinkama' perahera, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

'Olu bakko' - dancers wearing papier-mach masks.

The image of Lord Buddha.

The pansala 'Hewisi' band and youngsters.

The 'hewisi' band.
Click on link below to watch a video clip:-

Sunday, November 3, 2013

'Katina Pinkama' Perahera, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

The beginning of the procession.


Fire dancers.

'Kandyan dancers.

Acaprisoned baby elephant in the procession.

Female dancers and masked dancers.
'Katina' is a day in the life of a Buddhist monk at the end of the rainy season ('vas'). The Lord Buddha instructed that pieces of clothe used on corpses should be retrieved from the cemetery. These pieces were sewn together in the shape of the 'liyaddhe' of a paddy field. This material was then washed, dyed by immersing in specified boiled roots and leaves. The robe was then dried and at the end of the day was worn by the Buddhist priest. The priest then gave a sermon to the assembled helpers. In present Sri Lanka the material of the robe is bought. It is then taken in procession and handed over to the priests. This latter is called a 'Katina Perahera'.
The word 'Katina' means difficult or arduous. This is equivalent to the Tamil word 'kadhinam'.  

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thanthrimale sights, Sri Lanka.

Two young Buddhist priests on a stroll in the morning at Thanthrimale. One of the older priests who was watching me take many photos told me to watch out for 'Devatha eliya' - The light produced by the presence of Gods in the vicinity of this sacred site - on my photos. Here is one such photo. The physics I studied tells me that the yellow ball of light could be produced by internal reflections in the lenses of my Nikon camera. If you look closely below the yellow blob you will see a darkish 'ghost image' of the blob.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Sights at Thanthrimale, Sri Lanka.

This settlement has a recorded history going back to the second Century BC. We found a tortoise fallen into a stone cistern. On being lifted out of it it made a bee-line to the water reservoir closeby with unerring accuracy.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

'Kapruka Pooja', Thanthrimale, Sri Lanka.

An organization of Senior Citizens from Avissawella doing a 'Kapruka Pooja' at the historic Thantrimale site. Draping of a long cloth of flags round the base of the Chathya is the aim of this pooja.