Friday, February 21, 2014

Statue of the Bodhisatthwa at Maligawila near Buththala, Sri Lanka.

The Mahayana inspired monument of a Bodhisatthwa depicted above was not seen in the mid 1960s when I visited the fallen down statue of Lord Buddha nearby. The statue of Lord Buddha was restored to its erect posture and the statue of a Bodhisatthwa has been renovated during the time of the Premiership of Mr. Premadasa.
The statue of Lord Buddha at Maligawila.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Toys of childhood - 1950s, Sri Lanka.

Toys turned out of wood.

An old bicycle rim was an excellent roll-along negotiating difficult train.

What a lovely childhood it was in the 1940s to 1960s. Plastic toys were unheard of. Tin, pewter and wood were used as raw materials for toys.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

'Isurumuniya', Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka.

Isurumuniya temple, Anuradhapura in the 1950s.
The 'Lovers' in their original setting. Now they are inside a museum closeby..
The above photographs were taken by Mr.Jayaratne, ex Colonisation Officer in the 1950s.
Click on link below to see a description of the place:-

Click on link below to hear the famous song and read the lyrics:-

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Scenes of the North of Sri Lanka.

'Selvachchannithy', Thondamanaru, Sri Lanka/

Two old ladies - An Austin A40 Somserset towing an Austin A40 Devon at Muhamaalai.
The Austin A40s were the work horses of Jaffna from the 1950s to as late the 2005s. A high road clearance, ability to carry weight, a strong body and chassis and a very quiet and repairable engine made these cars all-time favorites in the North of Sri Lanka.