Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A loverly bunch of 'King coconuts' - Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

The ripe king coconuts are sold for Rs.5/- to Rs.9/- while still on the tree. They are then plucked and transported to the wayside where they are sold for anything between Rs.15/- to Rs.20/-. The prices go up during the hot days. By comparison a one litre bottle of Coca Cola sells for Rs.100/-.
Wish you all a happy 'Aluth Avuruddha' - 'Puthu varudam'.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Young Leaf-bird, ?Blue winged, Yahellawaththe, Sri La

I saw about four of these young leaf-birds on a tall tree in Yahellawaththe, Avissawella, Sri Lanka. They were still in their juvenile plumage and were difficult to identify. Photo by Charaka on a Fuji Finepix with 10X zoom.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Climbing the 'greasy pole', Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

One of the popular competitions of the 'New year' is climbing the greasy pole and bringing down the red flag on the top of the pole. Here you see one of the competitors attempting it.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

'Kadapul' flower, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

A rare flower which opens in the late evening and has a sweet smell.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Garden outside the male ward, District Hospital, Koslanda.